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Clin Ultrasound > Accepted Articles
Visible pancreatic tail cancer with liver metastasis through abdominal transplenic scan
daejin kim , hanjun Ryu, Hyunsoo Kim, Changkeun Park, Jaekwon Jung, Jongmin Kim, Jeonghoon Song, Jaewon Lee
daegu fatima hospital, deagu, Korea
Address for Correspondence:  daejin kim ,Tel: 821090934081, Fax: 82539547417, Email: cognex@naver.com
Received: 12 February 2024;  Accepted: 4 April 2024.  Published online: 4 April 2024.
Pancreatic cancer typically presents as a focal hypoechoic, hypovascular solid mass with irregular margins on ultrasound. Abdominal ultrasonography has challenges in detecting pancreatic tail diseases. A 75-year-old man visited with upper abdominal pain. We successfully visualized a pancreatic tail mass through an abdominal trans-splenic scan and multiple liver masses through an abdominal transverse scan. His diagnosis was confirmed as pancreatic tail cancer with liver metastasis following an endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle biopsy. The abdominal trans-splenic scan proves valuable for pancreatic tail disease, overcoming the limited utility of abdominal ultrasound in evaluating pancreatic tail masses due to the usual obscuration by bowel gas.
Keywords: pancreatic cancer; pancreatic tail; spleen; ultrasound
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